The Self We're Sold
The Ego and Mental Health
Integration of Self
All One Thing. Mind Only Obstacle.
Meaning, Feeling, and The Pursuit of Aliveness
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions.
When the Truth isn't Profitable
The Truth is profitable for some, and not for others. In a society that runs almost entirely on self-interest​ / Weaponizing False Information happens because it can. It perpetuates because too many individuals lack sovereignty.
Self-Terminating System
Self-Enriching System
False Self-Realization​ & Endless Aspiration
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions.
Many are saying that humanity in the 21st century is going through a bit of an identity crisis. Some say that the "old stories" and systems are falling apart so that a new meta-story (and so system) can come into being. Supposing you agree with this sentiment, what do you think the new story should be? What should the new system look like? Supposing you disagree, how would you define the core challenge confronting humanity in 2019?
Identity, Autonomy and Purpose
desire and dissatisfaction
reactivity and approval-seeking
shallow self awareness
hollow symbols
pursuing aliveness
consuming but never full
capitalism & globalism
engage and enlist
project and reflect
Deepening Human Dialogue
The Fidelity of Humanity
transparency and trust
credibility and communication
integrity and alignment
integrity and alignment
emotional resilience
enrich human relationships
engage with insight
insight before influence
courageous communication
embody and empower
tackle big problems
fidelity of dialogue
immediacy and intimacy
unite and create
The Marketplace of Meaning Self off a Shelf.
Convergence & Intelliegence
collaboration amidst chaos
The Rise of Wisdom
Seeing beyond Truth
Self-Reflective Recalibration
Social Media & Aspiration Addiction
Making Our Meaning
Truth, Wisdom, and Work that Matters.
Distract and Disatisfy
Reality Runs on Ideas
Belief & Ideology
the modern program
Zero Sum Games & Perverse Incentives
The Decentralization of Authority
asymmetric information warfare
Self-Authorship & Co-Creation
The Story and The Space.
COMMUNICATION & conditioning
Beauty, Belief, and the Open Mind
stay open to change
Right Relationship
non-rivalrous collaboration
Stories, Symbols, and the Self​
Sovereign Subjectivity / To possess sovereign subjectivity means to be secure in one's self and aligned in one's purpose, while deeply aware of one's connection to a broader Self. As individuals this means... As mountain-movers in business, it means embodying this awareness in all that you do. Seeing the world as an extension of your self.
Mindful Marketing for an Embodied Economy
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions. This looks like companies getting inspired to change the world with a legacy their children would be proud of.
Don't tell me. Show Me.
While catchphrases aren't going anywhere, all creators and companies must make meaningful impact through deeds. Companies must tackle bigger problems than to earn the attention of the sovereign.
All One Thing. Mind Only Obstacle. / REUNION
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions.
Show up for Each "Other"
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions. (love the hard ones)
Collective Intelligence meets Autonomy​
As we begin to embody who we are, we become less susceptible to falling for conditioned ideas of success and other meta-narratives. Instead, we begin to impress our unique image onto the collective consciousness. We move from being mere "consumers' to becoming conscious co-creators--using our purchasing decisions to move the marketplace in a more meaningful directions. This looks like companies getting inspired to change the world with a legacy their children would be proud of.
Wholeness and Wholesomeness.
When the world is no longer an adversary but an ally, a lot more changes than simply our posture.
Self-Fulfilling Service.
Being who you are, giving your gift, paving a path.
Human Capital where it will Count Most
Being who you are, giving your gift, paving a path. Each indiivdual within our society has a gift to give. But stuck in fear and inside the conditioned system of thought, , we stay in jobs that hurt us and our world. We stay because we are scared...
Follow the Opening
Being who you are, giving your gift, paving a path.
Get over your"self" - Acknowledging that you're more than the story in the head means you don't need to be limited by old stories and beliefs. While the realities of the world are the same, now you don't give your mind's stories too much control. Living creatively means listening to what is deeper than the ego and the intellect.
is the problem you're tackling big enough to be overwhelming? Good. You probably want collaborators.
Self-Realization & Self-Remembering
To realize the Self and to remember the Self are one and the same. They are recognizing the non-physical dimension of yourself and acknowledging that what you are is greater than who you are. Your story is only part of the puzzle. The space your story is unfolding atop is You as well.
To realize the Self and to remember the Self are one and the same. They are recognizing the non-physical dimension of yourself and acknowledging that what you are is greater than who you are. Your story is only part of the puzzle. The space your story is unfolding atop is You as well.
Surface & Substance
Isolation & Scarcity
Not my problem.
Fear & Separateness
Us vs Them
Power and Resources
(formless awareness)
the operating system
A Million Unapproved Messages
Sorting for Signals Sake
Symbols, Stories, &
Information, Advertising, and Propaganda
The Entheogenic Revival
Deconditioning Mind. Opening Heart.
stewardship of the Self
One Life. Two Levels.
Game A meets Game B.
Physical and Non-Physical
Intentional Consumption
From Pain to Progress
the model
IDENTITY and SElf Image
Love & Wholeness
The End of Sides
Where Attention Goes, Money Flows.
NBC and the big tech and media companies compete for your attention because your attention is valuable. Which is why it's actually quite revoluionatry
Alone in the Dark
Looking for Safe Harbor
Autonomy, Agency, and Authenticity
From Reactivity to Responsibility
The Age of Consumption
Acquire & Control
PresenceNBC and the big tech and media companies compete for your attention because your attention is valuable. Which is why it's actually quite revoluionatry
The Physical World
Awareness enters the Arena
THE Breath
remembering your Self
Your Life Depends on it.
Trying is Dying
do or do not.
Beauty, Belief, and the Open Mind
stay open to change
Keep the World Out
Big Beautiful Data.
Owning Our Data
Money as Energy
Pour accordingly.
the fulcrum of identity"
Transparent Symbol
Truth, Wisdom, and Work that Matters.
Physical and Non-Physical Resources
Physical and Non-Physical
Aspiring to Something Real
The Sovereign Self
We live inside stories.
Zero Sum Games & Perverse Incentives
Power and Resources
The Embodied Economy
Truth, Wisdom, and Work that Matters.
The human
Initiative & Abundance
Moving through Resistance
Unlearning Fear
Sharing the false self
I believe a new way of looking at modern Western culture is needed to address the growing complexity of society in the post-information age. Thanks to technology and the division of human attention, we are witnessing _____. I believe to meet the challenges of our time, we need to step back (and see a much bigger picture) and look closer and deeper at what is beneath the surface. I offer this not as the solution to our current challenge, but a bridge toward building one together. This is about bringing more awareness in at every level. And everyone has a part to play.
The I of Awareness
The Power of Presence
Cultural transformation is no cake-walk, but the good news is that each of us c
Imagination without Limitation
Criticism & Complaint
Sorting for Signals Sake
Healthcare for Humanity
less fear.
Universal Basic Income
automation and human agency
All One Thing. Mind Only Obstacle.
Integration of Self
It is the business of the future to be dangerous.
Alfred North Whitehead
The Map is not the Territory.
In trying to win, are you causing us to lose?
Projection & Reflection
Consuming Image / Self off a Shelf / Pixel Perfect / Amplification of media / Growing awareness of image fixation.
walling off the world won't save us from ourselves.
acquistion and ownership
reality's finest fabric
Self Realization
All One in The Mystery
At Peace with What Is
Stacking the Deck
lift fear from underneath
Lightening the Load
floating fear from below
While I'm Me. While I am
Self and self
The Age of Awareness
The Battle for Eyeballs
lifting fear from underneath.
When I look at the runaway machine that is our society, I believe we need to move deliberately to meet the unique challenges of our age. To meet these challenges, we must bring more wisdom into everything that we do and at all levels. And do it together.
There are a myriad of reasons why the need is urgent. Whether it's global warming or deep need to accelerate change. We need to embrace the full creative power as a singular human civilization. From where I'm sitting, this means opening up deeper levels of dialogue in all dimensions of human experience. It means opening our minds to new possibilities and not waiting for catastrophe to force our hand.
The modern war is the war for human awareness. It's over where you put your attention, spend your time, and spend your money. It's about what stories we get told, shared, and believed. It's about algorithms, sorting, and sense-making.
Where these things go, so goes the world. So, it makes a lot of sense to look closer at where our energy is spent as individuals, organizations, companies, or as a broader society.
With awareness on auto-pilot, we continue on the same course. But by reclaiming our awareness, we guide experience.
With our attention increasingly divided and our sources of information increasingly decentralized , it makes sense that our culture is struggling so deeply with the current
Where Head and Heart Meet